The plums

Te plums

Plums are some juicy fruits with an unique color having a use of the range,which can be consumed fresh, dehydrates, preserved in the form of jams, compotes.
Have the following properties:

* Remove the fatigue and decreases the inflammation
* Cleanse the body and increase body resistance
* Strengthens nerve cell
* Improves rheumatic pain
* Are used in edible form of masks


Prunele sunt fructe zemoase cu o culoare unica avand o intrebuintare diversificata,putandu`se consuma proaspete,dezhidratate,conservate sub forma de gemuri,compoturi.
Au urmatoarele proprietati:
  • inlatura starea de oboseala si diminueaza starea de inflamatie
  • purifica organismul si creste rezistenta organismului
  • intareste celula nervoasa
  • amelioreaza durerile reumatice
  • in comestica sunt folosite sub forma de masti

The quince

The quince

Quince are some of the most aromatic fruit of autumn.
Have the following benefits on the body:
  • Destroy the cancer cells
  • The action to protect the intestines
  • Stimulates the burning fats
  • Strengthen the body
  • Are remedies for liver diseases
  • Relax and disinfecting eye inflammations


Gutuile sunt unele din cele mai aromate fructe ale toamnei.
Au urmatoarele beneficii asupra organsimului:
  • distrug celulele canceroase
  • au actiune de protectie a intestinelor
  • stimuleaza arderea grasimilor
  • fortifica organismul
  • sunt remedii pentru afectiunile ficatului
  • calmeaza si dezinfecteaza inflamatiile ochilor

The grapefruits

The grapefruits

The grapefruits are part of citrus fruit, they are aromatic, have attractive properties and qualities of refreshing.
Have the following properties:
  • Acidity and treat diseases caused by acid in the body than
  • Determine the salivary digestion and gastric
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • Contains a substance that lowers insulin levels, which encourages weight loss
  • To create no side effects, does not recommend the consumption of grapefruit and drugs while


Grefele fac parte din categoria citricelor,ele sunt aromate,au proprietati apetisante si calitati de improspatare.
Au urmatoarele proprietati:
  • trateaza aciditatea si bolile cauzate de mult acid in corp
  • determina digerarea salivara si gastrica
  • scade nivelul colesterolul din sange
  • contine o substanta care scade nivelul insulinei,ce faorizeaza pierderea in greutate
  • pentru a nu crea efecte secundare ,nu se recomanda consumul de grapefruit si a medicamentelor in acelasi timp

The mandarine

The mandarins

Mandarins fruits are among the least popular of the citrus family, are pale orange and grapefruit, which are among the most tasty fruit.
Have the following benefits on the body:
  • Peel may have beneficial effects in cancer treatment
  • Prevents the physical and intellectual asthenia
  • Treat infectious diseases and anemia
  • Lowers blood cholesterol


Mandarinele se numara printre fructele cel mai putin populare din familia citricelor,fiind eclipsate de portocale si de grapefruit,ele fiind printre cele mai gustoase fructe.
Au urmatoarele beneficii asupra organismului:
  • coaja acesteia poate avea efecte favorabile in tratarea cancerului
  • previne asteniile fizice si intelectuale
  • trateaza bolile infectioase si anemia
  • scade colesterolul din sange

Pepene galben

The melon

The melon is one of the scented fruit, gifted with a great taste, very rich in vitamins and having a strong action hydrated.
It has the following actions:

* Change active thyroid gland secretion
* Lycopen which contains a natural antioxidant
* Is stodgy by small
* Has a calming effect and hydrate skin on
* Treat anorexia
* Has setted action on appetite

Pepenele galben

Pepenele galben este unul dintre cele mai parfumate fructe ,inzestrat cu un gust deosebit,fiind foarte bogat in vitamine si avand o puternica actiune hidratanta.
Are urmatoarele actiuni asupra organismului:
  • modifica activ secretia glandei tiroide
  • contine lycopen care este un antioxidant natural
  • este greu de digerat de cei mici
  • are un efect hidratant si calmant asupra pielii
  • trateaza anorexia
  • are actiune reglatoare asupra apetitului

Water melon

Water melon

Water melon is one of the few fruits with a high content of licopen (natural pigment, which give the red color and is a strong antioxidant.Contains 96% water and is easy to digest.It has the following benefits:
  • Dilate capillary vessel
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Treat kidney infections and rheumatism
  • A cure with watermelon remove toxins from the body
  • Combat anxiety and stress

Pepenele verde

Pepenele verde este unul din putinele alimente cu un continut ridicat de licopen(pigment natural,care da culoarea rosie si care este un puternic antioxidant.Contine 96% apa si este foarte usor de digerat.Are urmatoarele beneficii asupra organismului:
  • dilata vasele capilare
  • regleaza tensiunea arteriala
  • trateaza infectiile renale si reumatismul
  • o cura cu pepene verde elimina toxinele din organism
  • combate anxietatea si stresul

The morello cherries

The morello cherries

Morello cherries are tart fruits, succulent, attractive and have a content rich in nutrients, mineral salts and vitamins.
Are important because:
  • Clean the body especially the kidneys
  • Decreases the risk of occurrence of diabetes
  • Lowers cholesterol level of blood sugars and preventing the accumulation of fat in liver
  • has beneficial in arthritis


Visinele sunt fructe acrisoare,zemoase si apetisante au un continut bogat in elemente nutritive,saruri minerale si vitamine.
Sunt importante deoarece:
  • detoxifica organismul in special rinichii
  • diminueaza riscul de aparitie al diabetului
  • scade nivelul colesterolului si zaharurilor din sange impiedicand acumularea grasimilor in ficat
  • sunt benefice in artrita

The peaches

The peaches

Peaches are sweet, aromatic, and contain many vitamins and minerals.
They have these benefits on the body
  • hydrates the body as a natural source of energy * Strengthen the immune system * Treating respiratory diseases
  • Cure the anemy
  • Feed and recover body reserves
  • Stimulates the appetite and biliary secretion


Piersicile sunt dulci,aromate,zemoase,si contin o multime de vitamine si minerale.
Are umatoarele beneficii asupra organismului:
  • energizeaza si hidrateaza organismului fiind o sursa naturala de energie
  • intaresc sistemul imunitar
  • trateaza bolile respiratorii
  • vindeca anemia
  • alimenteaza si reface rezervele organismului
  • stimuleaza apetitul si secretia sucurilorgastrice si biliare

The apricots

The apricot

The apricots

They taste sweet and have a very fragrant smell and is very easy of digestion, provides energy needs of the body.
Apricots have the following effects:
  • Strengthens the nervous system and immune
  • Contains provitamins A (carotene) and phosphorus which help to improve memory
  • Help to regenerate cells
  • Cure acne being used as a mask for hydration
  • fight sleeplessness and prevent anaemia


Au un gust dulce si au un miros foarte aromat,fiind foarte usor de digerat,asigura necesarul de energie al organismului.
Caisele au urmatoarele efecte benefice:
  • intareste sistemul nervos si imunitar
  • contine provitamina A(caroten) si fosfor care ajuta la imbunatatirea memoriei
  • ajuta la regenerarea celulelor
  • vindeca acneea fiind folosit ca masca pentru hidratare
  • combate insomnia si previne anemia

The pears

The pears

The pears

Pears are tasty, but zemoase especially healthy.They should not peel because they are easy of digestion.
  • Improves memory
  • Remove stress
  • Pears contain fructose, the sweetest natural sugar, which does not require your pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin in a short time and is recommended to dibetics
  • Cough Relax and help lower cholesterol
  • Help the normal work of thyroid gland


Perele sunt gustoase,zemoase dar mai ales sanatoase.Ele nu trebuie curatate de coaja deoarece sunt usor de digerat.
  • imbunatateste memoria
  • inlatura stresul
  • perele contin fructoza,cel mai dulce zahar natural,care nu solicita pancreasul pentru a produce cantitati mari de insulina in scurt timp fiind recomandate si diabeticilor
  • calmeaza tusea si ajuta la scaderea colesterolului
  • ajuta la functionearea normala a glandei tiroide

The apples

Apples are by far the most cultivated and consumed fruit is most tasty, nutritious and vitamin rich fruit.
Positive effects on health of apples:
  • Contain nutrients from oxidizing apples slowed development of colon cancer and in liver cells
  • Improve lung function
  • To help strengthen bones
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Must be consumed in fresh form


Merele sunt de departe cele mai cultivate si consumate fructe,fiind unele dintre cele mai gustoase,hranitoare si bogate in vitamine fructe.
Efecte pozitive ale merelor asupra sanatatii:
  • contin substante nutritive oxidante din mere incetinesc dezvoltarea cancerului de colon si ficat in celule.
  • imbunatatesc functionarea plamanilor
  • ajuta la intarirea oaselor
  • reduc colesterolul
  • trebuie consumate in forma lor proaspata

The cherries

The cherries

Cherries are the first fruits that ripen in the month mai.Ele are tasty, sweet and zemoase and how good are riped.The cherries contain antociniadine (substances that give red color) and they prevent cancer.
May have the following benefits:

  • abase hiperacidity
  • lower cholesterol level
  • keep blood glucose levels
  • control action of the harmful substances that get in the body due to smoking
  • reduce fatigue, protect view
  • recommended rheumatic
  • contain more sugar and are not recommended in the belt of weakening


Ciresele sunt primele fructe care ajung la maturitate in cursul lunii mai.Ele sunt gustoase,dulci si zemoase si sunt bune cu cat sunt mai coapte.Ciresele contin antociniadine(substante care dau culoarea rosie) si acestea previn cancerul.
Mai au si urmatoarele beneficii:
  • reduc hiperaciditatea
  • scad nivelul colesterolului
  • mentin nivelul glicemiei
  • combat actiunea substantelor nocive care ajung in organism din cauza fumatului
  • reduc oboseala,protejeaza vederea
  • recomandate reumaticilor
  • contin mult zahar si nu sunt recomandate in curele de slabire

The strawberries

the strawberries

Strawberries are tasty and aromatic, the most of sweet red fruits.
Have the following properties:
  • slowed the aging process
  • remove toxins from the body
  • contain vitamin K which allows a normal functioning liver
  • does not recommend keeping them cold for more than a day
  • is recommended in large quantities


Capsunile sunt gustoase si aromate,fiind cele mai dulci dintre fructele rosii.
Au urmatoarele proprietati:
  • incetinesc procesul de imbatranire
  • elimina toxinele din corp
  • contin vitamina K care permite functionarea normala a ficatului
  • nu se recomanda pastrarea lor la rece mai mult de o zi
  • este recomandat consumul in cantitati mari

The raspberry

The raspberry

Raspberries, known as the "rug mountain", is famous for the scent, taste and nutritious properties and its healing. Raspberries, so popular for its flavor and sweetness, and has many benefits over the use of the stark body.
  • Raspberry is a true disinfectant, reducing the acidity of the stomach
  • prevents Hypertension
  • lowers fever
  • improves digestion
  • slow evolution of the cancer cells
  • treat female genital disorders has expectorant properties
  • improve various eye diseases
  • treat cystitis, has an important role in treating diabetes.


Zmeura,cunoscuta si sub denumirea de "rug de munte",este renumita pentru parfumul,gustul si proprietatile sale hranitoare si curative.
Zmeura, atat de cunoscuta si apreciata pentru dulceata si aroma ei, are numeroase intrebuintari si beneficii asupra ntregului organism.

  • zmeura reprezinta un adevarat dezinfectant, reducand aciditatea de la nivelul stomacului
  • previne hipertensiunea arteriala
  • scade febra
  • imbunatateste digestia
  • incetineste evolutia celulelor canceroase
  • trateaza afectiuni genitale feminine
  • are proprietati expectorante
  • amelioreaza diferite afectiuni oculare
  • trateaza cistita,are un rol important in tratarea diabetului.

The grape

The grape

The grapes

Grapes are wonderful in the autumn,and are more colors: Black, white, yellow or reddish, whatever color they liked the good taste remains the same.
They bring a lot of benefits to our health:
  • Purify the blood contains antioxidants and helps to increase immunity
  • grape's sugar makes easy digestion
  • stimulates digestion, with a refreshing action high content of potassium
  • salts of grapes is that they have a diuretic action contributing to the smooth functioning of the kidneys due to high water content increase the amount of fluid in the body and help eliminate toxins, clean the colon
  • help relax the nervous system, invigorate the heart and regulates blood pressure
Strugurii sunt minunatul dar al toamnei care sunt de mai multe culori: Negri, albi, galbeni sau rosiatici,indiferent de culoarea acestora gustul placut ramane acelasi.Ei aduc numeroase beneficii pentru sanatatea noastra:
  • Purifica sangele contin antioxidanti si contribuie la cresterea imunitatii
  • Zaharul din struguri este usor digerat si asimilat
  • stimuleaza digestia, avind si o actiune tonifianta
  • continutul ridicat de saruri de potasiu al strugurilor face ca acestia sa aiba o actiune diuretica contribuind la buna functionare a rinichilor
  • datorita continutului ridicat de apa maresc cantitatea de fluide din organism si ajuta la eliminarea toxinelor, curatarea colonului, detoxifierea ficatului
  • ajuta la relaxarea sistemului nervos, tonifica inima si regleaza tensiunea arteriala

The lemon

The lemon is the most common of citrus is very common in food, in cosmetics and in pharmaceutical practice because the various chemical compounds that contain.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect helps to disinfection by increasing transpiratiei body and acts as a natural diuretic (most valuable fruit effect absorption of toxins)
  • stimulates appetite, helps digestion
  • strengthens the body's defense
  • dilate blood vessels


Lamaia este cea mai intalnita dintre citrice,fiind foarte des intalnita in alimentatie, in cosmetica si in practica farmaceutica datorita diferitilor compusi chimici pe care ii contine.
  • Are un efect antiinflamator ajutand la dezinfectarea corpului prin marirea transpiratiei si actioneaza ca un diuretic natural(este cel mai valoros fruct cu efect de absorbtie a toxinelor)
  • stimuleaza apetitul, ajuta la digestie
  • intareste sistemul de aparare al corpului
  • dilateaza vasele de sange

The orange

Orange is the spread of citrus fruit, nutritious and delicious, is served as dessert. It has the following properties:
  • help treat indigestiei, fever and heart disease
  • digest quickly
  • contribute to longevity
  • peel it treats acne

Portocala(the orange)

Portocala este cel mai raspandit fruct dintre citrice, hranitor si delicios,fiind servit ca desert.Ea are urmatoarele proprietati:

  • ajuta la tratarea indigestiei,febrei,precum si a bolilor de inima
  • se digera repede
  • contribuie la longevitate
  • coaja acesteia trateaza acneea

Portocala(the orange)


The banana is the oldest known fruit in the world and is the fruit of choice for many of us, it is tasty and can be consumed at any age.Not be consumed when it is not too well cooked because it contains starch which is less digestible.
  • It helps to: prevent occurrence of atherosclerosis and hypertension
  • reduce the risk of kidney cancer
  • formation of hemoglobin in the blood
  • is used in cosmetics with special qualities hydrated


Banana este cel mai vechi si cunoscut fruct din lume fiind fructul preferat al multora dintre noi,este gustoasa si poate fi consumata la orice varsta.Nu trebuie consumata cand nu este prea bine coapta deoarece contine amidon care e putin digerabil.
Ea ajuta la:
  • prevenirea aparitiei aterosclerozei si a hipertensiunii
  • reducerea riscului de aparitie a cancerului la rinichi
  • formarea hemoglobinei in sange
  • este folosita in cosmetica avand calitati hidratante deosebite



Pineapple is an expensive fruit, it was called "Nana" a delicious fruit.
He has a lot of properties including:
  • prevent circulatory diseases
  • may be a cure for cold
  • stops the cancer cells increasing the body's immune system
  • improving the irrigation system of the brain
  • it is producing many cosmetics, creams, and who maintain outside body


Ananasul este un fruct scump,era numit "Nana" adica fruct delicios.
Are o multime de proprietati printre care:
  • previne aparitia bolilor circulatorii
  • poate fi un leac pentru raceala
  • stopeaza celulele canceroase intarind sistemul imunitar al organismului
  • imbunatateste sistemul de irigare al creierului
  • din el se produc numeroase produse cosmetice,creme,care intretin si infrumuteseaza exteriorul organismului


Fructele sunt alimente naturale,gustoase,bogate in glucide,saruri naturale,vitamine,acizi organici,care te ajuta sa iti mentii starea de sanatate.
Fruits are natural food, tasty, rich in carbohydrates, natural salts, vitamins, organic acids, which help you maintain your health.